Gateway & Adult Diploma Program

The State of Ohio Department of Education provides learners 18 years of age and older, the opportunity to gain the academic skills and credentials needed for postsecondary education and workforce development.
Designed to better prepare Job Seekers to meet employer needs.
Our Adult Education Center believes in providing the entire adult community with learning processes that focus on essential skills and knowledge for career enhancement and advancement, while supporting productive, successful citizens within our diverse communities.
Gateway- Ages 18-21
This program is for adults between the ages of 18 and
21. Students must meet the current graduation requirements from the time of entry in 9th grade (i.e. earn required number of credits; pass EOC, etc.). Students will receive a high school diploma from their former home school. The student must be withdrawn from high school for a minimum of one year.
-Online Credit Recovery Courses
-End of Course Exam Prep Workshops
-Career Counseling
Gateway- 22+ HSD
The 22+ Adult High School Diploma Program helps adults earn a high school diploma. The program is free to adults who are 22 years old, living in Ohio and do not have a diploma or a GED. Students must meet the graduation requirements from the time
of entry in 9th grade (i.e. earn required number of credits; pass EOC’s, etc.). The student will receive a high school diploma from the school district in which he/she lives.
Adult Diploma Program
The Adult Diploma Program provides job training and a new pathway for adults, ages 18 or older, to earn a
high school diploma AND industry credentials aligned to one of Ohio’s in-demand jobs. This student will earn a state issued high school diploma. What makes this program different is the delivery of instruction to adults. Instead of measuring academic achievement through credits earned, the focus is on a competency-based approach.
Must complete the program while pursuing an industry recognized credential (Basic Precision Machine, EMT, Firefighter, Retail, Customer Service and Sales, Microsoft Office Specialist, Phlebotomy, Welding, and more)
To Register or For More Information:
- MaryLou Nellett, Program Coordinator
- 419-332-2626 ext. 2744