Staff Directory

Amanda Appel
Intervention Specialist
ext. 2745
Chris Arend
ext. 1005
Michael Batdorf
Building Construction Trades Instructor
ext. 2501
Jerry Bateson
AIM Manufacturing Instructor
ext. 2741
Stephanie Billow
Educational Aide
Alex Binger
ext. 1002
Rachel Briggs
SSBE Coordinator
ext. 3245
Erin Brubaker
Health and Wellness Coordinator
ext. 2105
Dave Buening
ext. 2001
Hannah Carnicom
Educational Aide
Brooke Cassidy
Assistant Tech Coordinator
ext. 3242
Kathryn Chudzinski
Attendance Administrative Assistant
ext. 2321
Fanny Clymer
Public Safety Administrative Assistant
ext. 2732
Adam Cok
Career Exploration Instructor
ext. 3402
Jamie Coleman
Attendance Administrative Assistant
ext. 3005
Floyd Collins
Digital Media Technologies Instructor
ext. 2205
Anna Creswell
Upper Sandusky High School
(419) 294-2308 ext. 115
Lauren Cummings
Assistant Director
ext. 2117
Linda Daniel
Independent Living and STEP Instructor
ext. 2404
Danielle Daniel
Health Careers Academy Instructor
ext. 3129
Anthony Darr
Automotive Technology Instructor
ext. 2407
Danielle Denton
AIM Business and AIM Health Instructor
ext. 2738
Terese Depinet
Cosmetology Instructor
ext. 3128
Kevin Dwight
Technology Director
ext. 2110
Greg Edinger
ext. 1001
Gerald Elchert
Educational Aide
Tabatha Elson
Special Education Director
ext. 2118
Nichole England
Career Exploration and Cosmetology Instructor
ext. 3241/3131
Seth Fitzgerald
Upper Sandusky High School
Thomas Fought
Collision Repair Technology Instructor
ext. 2409
ext. 2409
Phil Fought
Port Clinton Middle School
(419) 734-4448
Tracey Funk
Culinary Arts & Hospitality Management Instructor
ext. 3121
Zachary Gaietto
Digital Technologies Instructor
ext. 3112
Tina Gibson
Business Management Instructor
ext. 2306
Scott Gilbert
Assistant Technology Director
ext. 2111
Mary Green
Health Careers Academy Instructor
ext. 2201
Elissa Heal
ext. 1007
Adam Hellman
CISS Instructor
ext. 2212
Makaila Hemminger
Manufacturing Technologies and Robotics Instructor
ext. 3111
Nicholas Hendrickson
Ottawa County Skilled Trades Academy
(419) 898-6242
Melinda Hernandez
Ottawa County Skilled Trades Academy
(419) 898-6242
Michele Hollister
Fostoria High School
(419) 436-4110 ext. 7110
Adam Horner
Hopewell-Loudon High School and New Riegel High School
(419)-937-2804 ext. 1034
Anna Horner
Agriculture Science & Technology Instructor
ext. 3106
Jessica Hotz
Educational Aide
Brayden Jefferies
Intervention Specialist
ext. 2303
Valerie Karhoff
Lakota High School
(419) 986-6620 ext. 3352
Timberly Kidwell
English Instructor
ext. 2308
ext. 2308
Samantha King
Social Studies Instructor
ext. 2311
Kayla Kleinfelter
Early Childhood Education Instructor
ext. 2313
Marcus Kreais
Welding and Metal Fabrication Instructor
ext. 2310
ext. 2310
Rosemary Krieger
Administrator and Satellite Director
ext. 3007
Abby Lang
Cosmetology Instructor
ext. 3134
Andrea Lasch
Cosmetology Instructor
ext. 2317
Jeremy Leavitt
Electrical Trades Instructor
ext. 3110
Tiffinie Leiter
Assistant Director
ext. 2706
Ryan Lepper
Automotive Technology Instructor
ext. 3104
Rochelle Lewis
Math Instructor
ext. 2214
Derek Lewis
ext. 3001
Mark Long
Career Exploration Instructor
ext. 2403
Cierra Long
Educational Aide
ext. 3114
Mary Lonz
Math Instructor
ext. 2215
Russell Markwith
Culinary Arts & Hospitality Management Instructor
ext. 2314
Joy Marsh
ext. 2155
Lorena Mason
Adult Education Administrative Assistant
ext. 2701
Tricia McElfresh
Curt Mellott
Assistant Director
ext. 3002
Amanda Merry
Health and Wellness Coordinator
ext. 3135
Tim Milazzo
Assistant Tech Coordinator
ext. 2109
ext. 2109
Michael Miller
Port Clinton High School
(419) 734-4448
Barb Mitchell
Testing Coordinator
ext. 2200
Bryan Moreland
Electrical Trades Instructor
ext. 2500
Angie Morelock
Public Relations and Communications Director
ext. 1006
Genie Moyer
Intervention Specialist
ext. 3137
Clorianna Nasser
Intervention Specialist
ext. 2304
MaryLou Nellett
ext. 2744
Steve Newland
Welding and Metal Fabrication Instructor
ext. 3107
Melissa Null
Cosmetology and Nails & Esthetics Instructor
ext. 3134
Catherine O’Neill
AIM Administrative Assistant
ext. 2702
Erin Olszewski
Port Clinton Middle School
(419) 734-4448
Sarrah Ottney
Earl Childhood Education Instructor
ext. 2318
David Rapp
Fremont Ross High School
(419) 334-6726
Jamie Reese
Cosmetology Instructor
ext. 2311
Jenny Reinhart
ext. 3008
Sandy Reinhart
Health Careers Academy Instructor
ext. 3130
Nicole Ross
Intervention Specialist
ext. 2302
Carl Rusch
Collision Repair Technology Instructor
ext. 3101
Jeannine Schubach
Intervention Specialist
ext. 3137
Brooke Scully
Educational Aide
Michelle Seigley
Administrative Assistant
ext. 3003
Robert Selvey
Clyde-Green Springs Middle School
(419) 547-9150 ext. 3065
Jennifer Sharp
Administrative Assistant
ext. 2322
Elizabeth Slattman
Career Based Intervention Instructor
ext. 2739
Jeff Smith
Public Safety Instructor
ext. 3516
Ashton Smith
Electrical Trades Instructor
Brian Sneider
Manufacturing Technologies & Robotics Instructor
ext. 2401
Archer Spencer
Port Clinton High School
(419) 734-2147 ext. 4222
Crista Stacklin
Guidance Counselor
ext. 3006
Abigail Steinmetz
Criminal Justice Instructor
ext. 2203
Ted Sturzinger
AIM and Adult Education Director
ext. 2710
Kristie Theis
Program Instructor
ext. 2709
Cathy Thomas
Careers in Education Instructor
ext. 3212
Aaron Thompson
AIM Manufacturing Instructor
ext. 2741
ext. 2741
Keith Thurston
Electrical Trades Instructor
ext. 2502
Mary Todd
Family and Community Liaison
ext. 3009
Jody Twining
Science Instructor
ext. 2305
Abbigail Venturino
Career Exploration Instructor
ext. 2210
Lyne Walby
Assistant Director
ext. 2116
ext. 2116
Rhonda Warneck
Social Studies Instructor
ext. 2312
Ann Warner
Administrative Assistant
ext. 2100
Phylis Watkins
Educational Aide
Paige Webb
Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent
ext. 1003
Jacob Webb
Welding and Metal Fabrication Instructor
ext. 3107
Matthew Weber
AIM Construction Instructor
ext. 2740
Nicholas Weber
AIM Construction Instructor
ext. 3510
Angela Welly
Guidance Counselor
ext. 2320
Whitney Witte
SSBE Coordinator
ext. 2108
Jacob Wolf
Building Construction Trades Instructor
ext. 3100
Kelly Wood
ext. 1004
Emily Woodland
Aspire Coordinator
ext. 2703
Jennifer Younker
Educational Aide
Brian Zender
Independent Living Instructor
ext. 3103
Emily Zibert
Welding and Metal Fabrication Instructor
ext. 2402
Barrett Zimmerman
Clyde-Green Springs High School
(419) 547-9511 ext. 2085
Bryan Zimmerman
Director of Operations
ext. 2704
Christine Zimmerman-Hall
Family and Community Liaison
ext. 2319